1Level Playing Field Rankings

‘amLeague is an online storefront based on Institutional Investors criteria. Very different than a funds classification’ – an Institutional Investor
- Active sponsoring from a Club of Institutional Investors: mandate guidelines’ definition
- Portfolio managers demonstrate their management capabilities in a 100% transparent and 100% comparable way
- amLeague publishes performance tables per mandate: Euro Equities, Europe SRI Equities, Global Equities, Multi Asset Class,etc.
2Strategies and Indices

‘Our indicial fund replicates an amLeague Index: easy, transparent and an exhaustive information’ – an Institutional Investor
amLeague is an Active Management Index Provider: from the data and research produced amLeague builts up either public or customised indices that can easily be replicated by an indicial manager.
- Public indices: created and monitored by amLeague, based on purely quantitative criteria
- Customised indices: designed by an investor (Institutionals, Multimanagers, IFAs, ...) on its customised criteria and monitored by amLeague
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