L’année a été particulièrement difficile pour les gérants actifs, qu’ils opèrent de manière discrétionnaires (la majorité) ou quantitative (une proportion significative). Sur les classes EURO et EUROPE EQUITIES, la moyenne des portefeuilles est située largement au-dessous des benchmarks respectifs.
Par Antoine Briant, CEO amLeague sur
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Régulièrement, le marché se plaint de l’incapacité des gérants actifs à créer de la valeur, de l’alpha. Des études plus ou moins sérieuses (plus ou moins neutres) s’ingénient à démontrer que la création d’alpha est égale à 0 voire négative. Qu'en est-il sur amLeague ?
Antoine Briant, CEO amLeague -
amLeague historical partner, AlphaValue provides us with its Growth and Value ratings for each STOXX 600 component for many years. Since March the 22nd, 2022 amLeague and AlphaValue reinforced this partnership with ESG scores developed under AlphaValue Sustainability brand. ESG and Sustainability are presented for each portfolio of EURO and EUROPE competitions. Maxime MATHON, Head of External Relations presents us in below interview where these scores and ratings are coming from and how we must understand the different figures displayed on amLeague rankings.
NB: as usually, amLeague is the sole operator to get a view on amLeague participants portfolios. amLeague gets a special access to the provider database then apply security score for each component of portfolios in order to get ratings per portfolio. Alpha Value does not get access to asset managers portfolios.
2021 was a tough year for active European equity management. "You can see that the number of managers above the benchmark is less than the number below."
Commented by Antoine Briant, CEO amLeague
Interview with Antoine Briant, CEO of amLeague and WS Partners. The latter have created a new index based on the selection of managers from the Global Low Carbon mandates of the amLeague platform. A new index in the SRI universe, but above all, a high-performance index.
The portfolio managers present on the amLeague platform fail to meet their objectives.
Dictionary's example for the theme “Clear Water” (extrait)
Source: Invesco
In today’s digital age, artificial intelligence opens up completely new possibilities for asset managers to gain information advantages through systematic data analysis. Coupled with human expertise, it helps to give investors early access to the trends of tomorrow.
Dr. Martin Kolrep, portfolio manager Invesco
Tommaso Sanzin - Managing Director-Alternative Investment Solutions
A new partnership between UBP and amLeague, a specialised index provider, allows investors to combine the advantages of active investment management with those of passive index tracking.
UBP & amLeague partnership extracts alpha from best managers of amLeague Platform
Tommaso Sanzin - Managing Director - Atlternative Investment Solutions auprès de l'UBP dans
Special Award for 10 years track record on Europe Equities (June 10 to June 20) is for Dr. Martin Kolrep Invesco Ltd. with an astounding +166% vs +96% for benchmark STOXX Ltd. (now part of Qontigo) 600 NR.
Congratulations Martin, wishing you the best for following 10 years !
Des gérants actifs en mesure de battre le benshmark !
Bonne nouvelle : de nombreux gérants actifs ont démontré leurs capacités de stockpicking sans déroger aux règles strictes de la plateforme comparative amLeague.
UBP AM developed a very clever way to extract outperformance of amLeague_Euro50 index vs market reference, the EURO STOXX 50 NR.
Discover it here : Click here to read the article
ENG Readers heads up ! Martyn Jones and Chris Foster, portfolio managers of the LionTrust amLeague Low Carbon account did publish an article.
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Martin Kolrep (INVESCO) is one of the first amLeague portfolio managers: 10 years since start on amLeague Europe Equities, present on amLeague Global Low Carbon since inception (Dec 2015). He provides us with his analysis of its management on its Low Carbon portfolio, combining Low Vol and Low Carbon impact. Thank you Martin !
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Edmond Schaff de Sanson IS explique devant les caméras d'AGEFI TV comment il fabrique ses indices à base de portefeuilles amLeague Global Equities Low Carbon pour offrir une gestion décarbonnée et performante
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